Education for Youth

The Tulare County Historical Society (TCHS) strongly encourages the youth of Tulare County to take an interest in history—especially local history. We believe the study of history is not only necessary and worthwhile to be good citizens, but we also believe it can be fun.

One way for youth to be involved in history is through National History Day—Tulare County, administered by the Tulare County Office of Education (TCOE). TCHS is an annual sponsor for the event, providing financial scholarships to students and judges for the competition.

An exciting experience in history this year was National History Day, which was on Friday, February 16th at the Tulare County Department of Education, 6200 South Mooney Blvd. in Visalia.  You would be amazed at what Tulare County Students are learning!
Tulare County Historical Society is a major sponsor, giving $2,000 in scholarships, and providing several judges. After lunch the winners were announced and some were featured.  Below you will find the scholarship winners.

Stan Barnes Memorial Scholarship – $500: A Winter War: Soviet Invasion of Finland – Ceceli Vega (Dinuba HS)

 Madeline Franz History Day Scholarship – $500: A Declaration, A Promise – Julissa Lopez (Dinuba HS)

 TCHS 2018 Scholarship – $250: Cuban Missile Crisis – Ava Anez (Sequoia Union)

 Leadership Scholarship – $250 ($83.33 each): Women in Military: Women Warriors – Dayana Chavez, Wendy Garcia and Andrea Parra (Dinuba GATE)

 Freedom Scholarship – $250: Behind Closed Doors, The Marjoree Mason Center – Alison Meza (Dinuba HS)

 Victory Scholarship – $250: The Conflict and Compromise Between the Agriculture Industry and the United Farmworkers – Eric Chavez (Ridgeview MS)

The  Department of Education always appreciates representatives of our Society being in attendance —  and those who attend are the real winners!

For more information on this event please visit

Below are some photos from last year’s event, History Day February 14, 2020.


Thank you to our 2019 judges Amy King, Kathy Allison, Patricia Hughes, and Tom Link!
Would you like to help TCHS and our youth in this History Day event?
We need judges and financial support in helping our youth participate.
For more information visit
or email
Thanks for any help you can provide.

Tales From the Tomb is an event that the Tulare County Historical Society puts on annually in the month on October. On October 19, 2019 the event was held at the Visalia Cemetery and included presentations of the following characters: Dr. Fannie Seward Graham, Benjamin Franklin Harris, Jason Hillerson, and Edmond Wysinger. 

Tales From the Tomb, Oct. 19, 2019, Visalia Cemetery. Cast L-R: Matt Weaver, Dallas Pattee, Bill Bennett (behind tombstone), Elizabeth Lamar, Steve Lamar, Gwenn Spratt. Photo by Lee Turklesen.
Elizabeth Lamar as Dr. Fannie Graham. Tales From the Tomb, Oct. 19, 2019, Visalia Cemetery. Photo: Dallas Pattee.